Language Learning

This morning as I prepared to teach all 52 Moves of the Nia Technique, I paused to consider what learning this “Language of Nia” had in common with what I knew of learning, say, the French language. I was struck by just how many commonalities I found! 

As with any language, Nia’s 52 Moves are best learned with PRACTICE: repetition, repetition,  repetition! I can honestly say that almost 15 years after my introduction to these moves, I still marvel at what I discover each time I move one of the moves… there’s always something

Language learning happens with EXPLORATION, being really curious and taking “safe risks”… I recall so vividly how, as a foreigner in France, just opening my mouth and speaking felt like a huge risk! Yet, that’s what I was there to do! Similarly in Nia, embodying curiosity through exploration means I am open to discovering something new and different this time around. Finger Flicks with the whole hand, then maybe with one finger at a time… and, how do I flick the thumb? What changes when I flick in new directions? You get the idea! Experiment! 

One huge learning for me is observing the CONTEXT in which language occurs: what is the emotional tone of the exchange? What can I pick up about about the relationships here? How is this word or phrase being used in context? Similarly with the 52 Moves, each move has an emotional resonance in my body, that may vary depending on the day and my mood. What is coming up for me as I perform the Back Kick today? I can tell you that in class this morning the image of a stubborn mule came to mind! I felt the embodied quality of obstinance! 

Finally, probably the single most important element to language learning is PLAY. That’s right, having fun is widely recognized as the best way to learn. When we are relaxed, engaged, laughing, exploring, and playing… we are learning! That goes for adults as much as for children.

So, let’s remember that if we want to learn the Language of Nia, or any language for that matter, not to take ourselves too seriously! Practice, explore, engage with your emotions, and play! 

Wednesdays are my 52 Moves days on zoom in Nia. Email me to get the zoom link to join us for class, or have the recording sent to you! 

What are the 52 Moves of the Nia Technique, the “Language of Nia”?

The Base


1.  Heel Lead

2.  Whole Foot

3.  Ball of the Foot

4.  Relevé

5.  Rock Around the Clock

6.  Squish Walk

7.  Duck Walk

8.  Toes In, Out, Parallel


9.  Closed Stance

10.  Open Stance

11.  "A" Stance

12.  Riding (Sumo) Stance

13.  Bow Stance

14.  Cat Stance


15.  Sink and Pivot Table Wipe

16.  Stepping Back onto the Ball of Your Foot

17.  Cross Front

18.  Cross Behind

19.  Traveling in Directions

20.  Lateral Traveling

21. Cha-Cha-Cha

22.  Slow Clock

23.  Fast Clock


24.  Front Kick

25.  Side Kick

26.  Back Kick

27.  Knee Sweep

The Core


28. Pelvic Circles

29. Hip Bumps


30. Chest Isolations

31. Shimmy

32. Undulation

33. Spinal Roll


34. Head and Eye Movements

The Upper Extremities


35. Blocks

36. Punches

37. Elbow Strikes


38. Touching

39. Fist

40. Pumps

41. Strikes

42. Chop Cut

43. Webbed Spaces

44. Palm Directions


45. Finger Extensions

46. Finger Flicks

47. Creepy Crawlers

48. Spear Fingers

49. Catching Flies

50. Claw Hand

51. Power Finger Crossover

52. Balance Finger