7:30am Nia
Most of us spend more time outdoors in the summer, being active in ways that the warmer weather inspires. Whatever you enjoy doing outdoors, Nia makes for a wonderful compliment to repetitive movements (like walking, gardening, biking, etc.) since we blend 52 moves, following the body’s design in every class.
New time for Nia over Zoom: 7:30am ET
Tuesdays & Thursdays
With the start of June comes warmer weather, longer days and … earlier Nia! Join me live over Zoom for an hour of joyful movement starting at 7:30am ET on most Tuesdays and Thursdays this summer. There are some notable exceptions and you can find the full schedule with my time offline here:
Same zoom link as ever, and if you misplaced it, or need it to join us, simply email me and let me know a bit about yourself, how you heard of Nia, and basically anything that will show me you are not A.I. : ) Thanks in advance!
I bring authenticity, humor, insight, imagination, and creativity to every class.
Come see the difference being ‘live’ together online can make in your weekly repertoire of movement. Nia is a perfect compliment to repetitive exercise like walking, gardening, running, swimming, rowing, or cycling, because it asks you to keep adapting to new moves and trains your nervous system for these changes…. you might call them Life Changes!
Suggested class payment is $15/class with income sensitive pricing available, and some students pay me a monthly ‘subscription rate’ — if you’d like to do that too, contact me and we’ll work out an arrangement.