"Teachers" 12/30

Taking the second new moon in December –the Wolf Moon– as inspiration, the next Solar Playback performance has the theme of “Teachers.” Wolf is commonly associated with courage, loyalty, strength, and hunting success. Wolves are also associated with strong family ties, good communication, education, understanding, and intelligence in many Native American cultures.

New to Solar Playback? Learn more about what to expect here.

Reflection Questions:

  • Who have been your most impactful teachers outside of the classroom?

  • What have you learned from?

  • How has learning evolved for you over your life?

  • From what or whom did the most unexpected learning arise?

  • Looking back, how did your ‘classroom’ teachers and ‘real-world’ teachers compare?

  • What lessons have been the hardest won?

  • What stories or moments come to mind when you hear the word ‘teacher’?

  • What qualities do you associate with teachers?

Join me for Solar Playback: One woman improvisation honoring true stories shared by the audience. Click the button above to register for free over Zoom. You will receive the performance link in your email.

What to expect: * Plan on keeping your video ON and participating at times in 1-1 breakout sessions. * Think about a story or moment you would volunteer for a playback. * Plan on being present for the 75 minute duration. Please avoid arriving late and leaving early. * The zoom room will open 10 minutes before the start of the show. * The performance is free, with an option to donate afterwards.

Erin Curren