Erin Curren, Coaching | Movement | Improv

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The theme for the next Solar Playback online performance on May 23rd from 7-8:15pm ET is “Flowering”… As we behold the buds transform into blooms this time of year in Maine, as we watch bulbs burst forth and delight us with brilliant color and exuberant energy, I invite you to consider what true stories or moments from your life come to mind on the theme of “Flowering”:

“My preference has always been to look closely into flowers in all stages of their lives: bud, blossom, fading. I find that looking into the heart of a flower one often finds oneself.”

--Carole MacRury

  • What has unfolded in natural time for you? What has faded gradually?

  • What colorful memory brings a smile to your face?

  • What is the fragrance of your story?

  • What element in your life delights you? What moment inspires beauty?

  • Have you felt yourself opening up in certain situations? Which ones? What compelled you to open?

  • What about you has attracted someone in the past? What have you been attracted to in another?

  • What is your story of flowering: from bud, to blossom, to fading flower… ?

All stories, moments and memories are welcome in this playback performance.

These online solo playback performances are intimate gatherings that ask for your full participation. Free to register over zoom below, and a pay-what-you-wish $0-$25 option for those who feel called to donate after the show. There is no pressure to pay and I welcome you to attend regardless of whether or not you pay. Your presence is a gift, truly. I cannot have a show without you!

Register over zoom using the button below and join the meeting a couple minutes early (the room opens 10 minutes before the start) to ensure your connection.

  • Plan on keeping your video ON and participating at times in 1-1 breakout sessions.

  • Think about a story or moment you would volunteer for a playback.

  • Plan on being present for the 75 minute duration. Please avoid arriving late and leaving early.

Please share this invitation with loved ones! Thank you for supporting this community event.