Make the change

As a life coach, I know firsthand how much we can all benefit from weekly or bi-weekly accountability, insightful conversation and fresh perspective. As your coach, I am different from a friend.

I am an ally for your highest potential and I will tell it to you straight.

If that doesn’t put you off, good.

Coaching is about having real conversations about our assumptions, our ways of being and expressing ourselves that we are often not reflecting on at all.

We may not even be aware of our language, or what we’re communicating with our bodies. We may be working off assumptions learned in childhood that no longer serve us today.

If you want to do the work, and haven’t reached out to me, then the issue may be the commitment and cost.

It’s worth having a heart-to-heart with yourself about.


What could be more valuable than the time you have, the life you live, and how you show up for your relationships at work and at home?

You are worth the investment in making the change you want to see in yourself.

Don’t delay.

What is the ultimate price of putting off “for tomorrow” what could begin today?

Be in touch.

Erin Curren