Joy inverted!

We are playing this week with a classic Nia body of work JOY, only playing the music from back to front, so to speak. Inspired by my colleagues at Soma Ranch, led by Helen Terry, I am choosing “Joy” inverted and discovering the new-to-me ways this beloved routine can be infused with freshness by switching the playlist order.

Nia strikes me as a fitness practice that in some ways turns a typical dance class on its head. How often do you see a dance class represented as emphasizing the timing, the most important thing being that everyone is doing the exact same thing at the exact same time, performing for show? 

Nia changes the script and declares "we're less about what the movement looks like and more about what the movement feels like."  To this end we are turning the playlist on its head, starting from the end, inverting the order of songs, just like Nia asks us to start on the inside, not with what it looks like on the outside.

Focus: Felt-sense of fitness (sometimes called FAMSSS)

Intent: Start within, sensing the movement as "an inside job"


Notice how beginning at the end of this well-loved body of work, Joy, brings a familiar-yet-new sense to your dance. Enjoy the playful ways we can flip the playlist and the moves and, like a palindrome, create a mirrored movement experience that still includes all 7 cycles.

PLEASE NOTE if new to Nia over Zoom with me:

Join Erin over Zoom for Nia live at 8:30am ET on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or have the recording of class emailed to you later that morning.

Enjoy a classic Nia class taught by Second Degree Nia Black Belt Erin Curren via Zoom. 
Erin brings enthusiasm, joy, compassion, creativity, and humor to every class.

Barefoot movement recommended if safe for you, plus comfortable clothes and water.

IMPORTANT: Please complete this Health Liability Waiver prior to attending:

If you do not have the Zoom link already, please email Erin at to have it sent to your inbox. Please include how you found out about Nia and a little about yourself in your message! We use the same recurring zoom link for class, once you have the link you are welcome to attend any of my online classes. 

Cost: The drop-in rate is $15/class using the honor system for payment, with income sensitive pricing available upon request. Thank you! PayPal, Venmo, my website and personal check are all options. If the cost of class is prohibiting you from joining us, please send me a message and we will work out an alternative.