Goodbye Nia!

After 15 years learning and sharing the Nia Technique I have come to the felt-sense that an evolution in my offerings is needed at this time!

I am offering one final “Classic Nia” session this Fall and invite you to join me! (Your favorite Nia routine requests are most welcome—email me here!)

I will continue to teach movement following the design and function of the body, only with a new freedom to blend different types of fitness in the mix. More on that to come! For now, accept my invitation to join me this Fall for my “Nia Swan Song” in Westbrook :)

Join me in-person for this four-week Nia session at the Westbrook Community Center (WCC) this Fall on Saturdays at 9am:

Saturday, October 26th at 9am

Saturday, November 2nd at 9am

Saturday, November 9th at 9am

Saturday, November 16th at 9am

Only $12 per class if you buy all four at once. Pay $48 in person with cash or check. Or you can purchase below using a credit card (service charge applies). Venmo and PayPal are also options. Email me with any questions! Once the class is running, drop-in attendance will be welcome at $17/class. And as always, bring a new-to Nia friend for FREE to any class!

I look forward to our next dance!