Erin Curren, Coaching | Movement | Improv

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Soma Sub 9/30!

Join me from my home studio in Westbrook, Maine as I sub for Helen in Texas (who is presently in Budapest, Hungary)! Ah, the gifts of technology!

Join me virtually as I substitute teach for Helen Terry down in Texas at Soma Ranch! September 30th I’ll be teaching a double-header:

9:45am EDT-10:45 EDT Nia 5 Stages the Core of the Body: Pelvis, Chest, and Head

11am-12pm EDT Classic Nia Routine: Awake

Focus: Spine, Spiral, Space

Intent: Sense energetic flow up and down the spine

Get all the info you need to join us online, including purchasing your class pass(es) here:

Notes about the Core:

Pelvis, Chest and Head

  • This is the part of the body we call the feeling center.

  • The diaphragm moving up and down stimulates the spine. The more relaxed you are in the belly, the more power you have.

  • The chest is designed to expand and contract as you breathe, maintaining space.

Even my butternut squash is spiraling its core as I prepare to teach! LOL!

  • The movement of the ribcage is critical for your shoulder joints and for your neck.

  • The head balances directly over the chest and the pelvis, sitting on the top of the spine.

  • When your Three Body Weights support you from underneath this gives you a lot of dynamic power from behind, then your arms and legs will be completely relaxed.

… and that’s the tip of the iceberg! Join me for 5 Stages AND Awake and discover your CORE!

I hope you’ll join us for a delicious morning of movement and awakening!