Erin Curren, Coaching | Movement | Improv

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1/11 Solar Playback

You are invited to join me in January for an online performance of my one-woman playback company, Solar Playback:

Thursday evening January 11th 2024

7pm-8:15pm EST on the New Wolf Moon

Registration required (below) to access the zoom link!

This online performance is a donation-based offering, pay $0-$20 according to your means and desire. No payment is necessary to attend. I would much prefer you attend and not pay than not attend due to short funds! Truly! Please share this invitation with anyone you know who would benefit from connecting with others and plugging in to a creative and mind-opening event with interactive elements and creative interpretations.

What is playback? Read all about it on my website here!

Registration is required to receive the Zoom link to join on January 11th! Click the link below to register for free!

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: Jan 11, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Join me from the comfort of your home for this playback show January 11th at 7pm!

On this cold new moon of January we are aware of the ground often frozen in this part of the world, seeds lying dormant, trees bare, cold, bitter cold, temperatures. The theme for this show is Stories Underground

What is lying dormant in you?

What have you longed for, or do you now long for?

What would you choose to grow if you knew you couldn't fail?

What compels you to howl like the wolf under the stardense sky?

When have you kept something hidden until the time was right?

Are you hiding something underground now?

When have you incubated, fermented, protected, or nurtured something in darkness?

From The Farmers' Almanac: “The full Moon in January happens when there are cold, long nights in the Northern Hemisphere, a time when the ground is frozen and winds whip the snow around. Trees and shrubs are deep into their dormancy and wildflower seeds await warmer weather to sprout. It’s time for the soil to rest before the next season of life-giving growth. Above ground, howls break the silent nights giving rise to a widely used name for January’s full Moon: the Wolf Moon."
