Erin Curren, Coaching | Movement | Improv

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"53rd Move"

In Nia there are 52 distinct moves that make up the “language” we speak in class with our bodies. Foot techniques like “heel lead”, “rock around the clock” and others, including kicks, stances, core movements like “spinal undulation” and “shimmy” as well as movements of our upper extremities including all of the hand techniques like “spear finger” and “catching flies.” Since last fall we have been gathering once a month to come together and celebrate what we’re calling Nia “53rd Move” sipping with friends in community! We’ve met at Mr. Bagel in Westbrook and will meet there again Saturday May 13th right after class at the WCC:

Saturday May 13th


Mr Bagel, Main St. Westbrook

All are welcome!