What is Nia?

Martial Arts + Dance Arts + Healing Arts = Transformative Non-Impact Aerobic Fitness

Fitness for All of you

Learn about The Nia Technique in this 1-minute video. Visit www.nianow.com to learn more.

Nia is a class experience that invites ALL of you to show up: a non-impact aerobic workout for your body, an expressive release for your emotional health, a visual buffet for your imagination, scientifically-based movements for nervous system (including brain) health, and finally a healing, integrated art form for your unique spirit.

sustainable & adaptable

In Nia we encourage every body to move “your body’s way” which means we understand that how one person moves is going to be different than another person. We encourage you to listen to your “conscious personal trainer” that inner voice that says “I can do more” or “I’m at my ‘enough’” or “This feels good” and asks “How can I make this feel even better?” In Nia we believe that the body is a gift. To honor your body’s way is to honor the gift.

What to expect

In a classic Nia class all students are encouraged to move barefoot, if that works for you! Each class begins by setting the focus and intent, which serves as a guiding theme for class, enhancing our mindfulness as we move. We then consciously step in to class, leaving behind distractions and becoming body-centered. Next comes the warm-up, gentle movements to activate all the major joints and deepen our felt-sense of the breath. Once warmed-up, we get moving with aerobic conditioning, using a combination of choreography interspersed often with moments of guided free-dance. After we have sustained this more intense part of class, we begin to cool down with floor play, providing us with the opportunity to condition the body using the weight of the body on the floor. This cycle may include pushing up off the floor, getting up and down from the floor, stretching on the floor, or simply reaching and touching in the direction of the floor. A wall may be used in place of the floor, or the movements may be adapted from a chair. Finally we bring our class experience to a close by stepping out with intention, consciously acknowledging what we’ve received from this experience and preparing to transition to the next activity. A classic Nia class includes the seven cycles outlined above and lasts 55-60 minutes.

Join me for class online or in person

Find my schedule here and be in touch with any questions you have through email here! I aim to respond promptly. I look forward to meeting you through zoom or in person in Maine!

Erin’s Nia Students In Their Own Words…

What I appreciate most about Nia with Erin is going at my own pace for my body. I’ve had a lot of injuries and this is the first class that I’ve been able to successfully enjoy.

— Diane

“Erin is amazing! So much good energy!”

— Student in Topsham

NIA is one of the most integrated dance forms I've ever encountered. It combines mindfulness, motion, martial arts and JOY in a package the makes me forget I initially joined for aerobic exercise. Since working with Erin Curren in this program, my body feels better, my brain works better, and I can embrace each day I do it with a much improved attitude. I highly recommend this movement program, and Erin is a fabulous teacher!


I love everything about this class. Erin is fantastic! She’s the best teacher I’ve ever had, and I’ve had a lot of teachers! 

— Betty

Nia has changed my life. It allows me to connect with my body in a fun, safe way.

— Student in Westbrook

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Invest in your body and life, purchase class passes to join Erin on Zoom for Nia from the comfort of your home.

Reviews of Erin’s Classes…

“Nia is terrific. Erin is what makes it INCREDIBLE! I look forward to this class all week.”

— Student in Brunswick

Erin is luminous and her energy is contagious. I received so much from this experience. –A.S., Workshop Participant

The magic of Nia is that every class is a homecoming. Guided so lovingly by Erin, I’ve be able to listen and learn to love my body as is. I am so very thankful.

— Student in Cape Elizabeth

You are really good! It’s a treat having you in my home leading the way to moving gracefully and feeling a feminine spirit that is joyous and liberating.

— Student in California

“What I liked most about this class is the energy it brings within.”

— Student in Augusta

4 Nia Classes-Valid for 2 Months
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2nd degree Nia black belt Teacher

I started my Nia journey in 2008 and have never looked back! From my very first class I knew I had struck gold. After completing my White Belt in 2009 I began teaching weekly classes. Many Belts and thousands of classes later, I continue to love the practice and reap even more rewards daily. Nia is the gift that keeps on giving. I am proud to have completed my Second Degree Black Belt in December 2023.


“I feel relaxed and balanced after Zoom Nia class today. Due to chronic pain in my neck and back and scoliosis, I often feel out of balance when I scan my body. After the Nia class today, I did a body scan and noticed that I was lying in a more balanced (left-right side) position. Good news.”

–Student in Maine

“Erin led three 1-hour sessions of Nia for the students at Wentworth (Scarborough) during our Wellness Day. Her professionalism, enthusiasm and energy made the experience fun and enriching for our students and teachers alike. Erin is creative, personable and delivers great results! ”


You are a terrific teacher. I love all the ways I am moving that are not in my normal repertoire and your exuberant spirit is contagious!”

— Anne

Erin, you had me sold before I went to my first live class. Your Nia “move of the week” on YouTube really intrigued me. I then found the one hour class recording and really liked it. A lot about Nia appeals to me — the imagery, the music, the movement, the themes, the mixture of dance, martial, and healing arts. (I also practice qigong and T’ai chi). At first I thought it might be too energetic for me but found I often get emotional release from it, and as you say “your body’s way”. Thank you!

— Student in Maryland

I love Erin’s vivacious vitality! She makes the class FUN! I am so happy to have found Nia. It makes me feel crazy alive!

— Marci

Single Drop in Nia Class
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